Special Collections: We Have A Coloring Book!

Special Collections and Digital Initiatives

Hopping onto the coloring book bandwagon and using plates from a cool book about dragons, we created A Coloring Book with Dragons! Visit Special Collections as we will have some copies on-hand for the taking.

We hope to produce more coloring books in the future as we encounter and digitize new and interesting materials conducive to the coloring book treatment.

Get Research Help in Knowledge Market

Marketing & Communications

Research tutoring is for quick questions, tips, and strategies on finding and evaluating information resources. Research Tutoring is located in the Knowledge Market on the first floor and is available Monday–Thursday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Auraria Library Newsletter January 2017 No.2

Marketing & Communications

In this Issue:

  • Entering the Library Renovation Homestretch

  • Take a self-guided tour of the Library's new spaces

  • Learn about new Library initiatives, faculty partnerships, campus outreach, free research workshops, and the latest addition to Special Collections

  • Mark your calendar for the opening of the MakeLab

New Digital Collection: The Wonderful World of Clothes

Special Collections and Digital Initiatives

The latest oddity to surface in the Auraria Library Digital Collections is the well-meaning, albeit dated, Wonderful World of Clothes, a 1963 UNICEF publication that is part of our UN/UNESCO collections. With illustrations reminiscent of a certain musical Disneyland attraction, and descriptions of traditional dress, this book was an attempt to expose children and pre-teens to a few examples of global garb styles in an approachable and gentle manner. It was also funded by Robert…

Quiet Study Space For Students and Faculty

Auraria Library

For Students and Faculty

The Library invites Auraria Campus students, faculty, and staff to enjoy the Quiet Study space for focused study in a comfortable, very quiet, environment.  Located on the Library’s second floor, in the southeast corner.

Quiet Study Space Guidelines

  • For use by Auraria Campus students, faculty, and staff.This is a noise-free area.
  • Please silence your devices and take conversations to the first floor.