New Digital Collection: The Illustrated Works of Goethe

Special Collections and Digital Initiatives

The latest addition to the Auraria Library Digital Collections is Goethe's Works Illustrated by the Best German Artists, a 10-book set of the works of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, the most prolific member of the Sturm un Drang literary movement. While the Weimar Classicism and a general sense of impending, devilish doom of Goethe's words are well-known, the highlight of this 5-volume set are the illustrations. Mostly wood engravings, the illustrations in this set range…

Japanese-American Internment Images

Matthew Mariner

The latest item to be added to the Auraria Library Digital Collections is a series of 35mm slides of Japanese-American internees used in an undated JACL presentation on internment. This small collection of 80 slides contains images of families being uprooted from their homes, boarded onto buses and trains, and relocated to

Auraria Library Supporting the Campus

Auraria Library


Some years ago, the Auraria Library crafted a Values statement meant to communicate the inclusive support that we offer to the Auraria Campus community. We would like to elaborate on those words and reinforce what we believe in.

The Library welcomes all users, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, ancestry, nationality, ethnicity, or citizenship status.…

When the Tivoli was a Mall

Matthew Mariner

As many of you know, our bustling student union used to be a brewery. But did you know that in the 1980s, the Tivoli was a shopping mall? That's right, a mall! Like the Galleria in Los Angeles or The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, the Tivoli was once awash with eye-rolling teenagers and tired families looking for last-minute holiday gifts. It even had escalators!

Well, now you can see examples of the old Tivoli Mall in the Auraria Library Digital Collections: check…

New Library website coming January 2017!

Web Services

The Web Services Team at Auraria Library has developed a new website to replace the current website at We think you'll like the new design and its mobile responsiveness because we know you love being able to access the site from any device with ease! The new Auraria Library website is scheduled to officially launch during the winter break.

Test drive the BETA website now!
