Collection Development and Strategies Department

Larimer Square in Denver Colorado

Featured Database: Colorado Historical Newspapers

You can use databases to easily find organized collections of articles, journals, news, streaming videos, primary sources, data, and more!

Here’s one of our most unique databases:

Colorado Historical Newspapers

What’s in it?

This database has Colorado newspapers from 1859 to the present. Users can search newspapers by date or type in any term. Results can be organized by city, county, year etc.

Why should you use it?

This database is a great place to go for primary sources that can be used in a history paper. It is also a useful resource to learn about the history right around you in Denver and Colorado. Users can search the name of a street in their neighborhood, a school they went to, or any organization they are apart of in Colorado.

Who should use it?

History students or anyone interested in learning about Denver and/or Colorado history.

Why use a database?

When you use a specific database, rather than a search engine or discovery tool, you often can find more relevant sources. For example, subject databases include sources about that subject only, rather than a general search engine or discovery tool that includes information about everything. This way you don’t have to wade through thousands of irrelevant results!

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