Collection Development and Strategies Department

Image of Circuitry

Ever wondered how Text & Data Mining (TDM) works? Ever thought of using it for a paper or project? The library can help!

For more information on how, and why, to use text & data mining, check out Yale’s LibGuide on the subject here:

If you decide to use TDM for a project, first be aware that there are legal limitations on using it in the library’s databases and e-journals. Many publishers of resources do not allow the automated mining of their content, largely due to copyright concerns. Text & data mining is only to be used for academic research and other educational, non-commercial purposes.

A few of the library’s resources which allow TDM include ProQuest PsycINFO/PsycARTICLES, and Association for Computing Machinery. 

For help determining if the resource you would like to use allows TDM, please find and contact your Collection Development Librarian here:

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